Religious Services
We gather to make our commitment to become free from suffering, help people with their spiritual growth and provide a safe and friendly space for nurturing holistic well-being.

Educate your children in Dhamma. Let them show the right way in life through Buddha’s teachings.

Come and join us for special meditation retreat to experience inner peace and happiness.

Every evening at 08:00 pm CT, please join us on Facebook to chant and radiate positive thoughts and blessings to all sentient beings for wellbeing.

Every 1st Saturday of the month at 6 pm CT, a virtual session for friends outside of MN.

Every Sunday at 08:00 am CT, temple is open to a public meditation session to beginners and long-time practitioners of the Dhamma.

Every Friday at 06:00 pm CT, temple is open to a public meditation session to long-time practitioners of the Dhamma. Join us to meditate.
Virtual Temple Tours
Due to covid-19, visitors cannot visit the temple. Therefore, we made a virtual tour of artworks that are part of our temple can be seen through images and video. When this pandemic subside, we look forward to your visit!
Latest Post

Without understanding samsara, realizing Nibbana is impossible. Buddha said it is because of not understanding the endless cycle of birth and death, beings continue to wander. When Buddha was enlightened, he uttered: Through many a…

“Nibbanam Paramam Sukham” is a famous quote of the Buddha on happiness. He said, experiencing the state of enlightenment is the greatest happiness, the ultimate goal of Buddhist practice. It is the happiness of complete…

We are social beings who live depending on each other. In terms of Dhamma practice, having a companion is highly promoted by the Buddha. A friend or a teacher who is wise and live a…

Volunteer Opportunities
Volunteering is another way to practice "Dana" which is to give one's time and energy for the welfare of the community. There are many ways to volunteer at the temple. You don’t need a special skill or experience. If you are willing to volunteer, please let us know.