Since the beginning of our temple, monastics have been conducting this weekly group sitting meditation every Sunday morning. Each session starts with taking refuge in the Triple Gems (Buddha, Dhamma and Sangha), refreshing one’s moral principles (Sila) and a short chanting of recollecting qualities of the Triple Gems and reciting discourse on Loving-friendliness (Metta Sutta). This is done in Pali language and the link for this devotion booklet is provided below.

Devotion Booklet

After short chanting, monastics will lead the group to develop loving-kindness meditation and breath meditation (Anapanasati). The meditation time is about 45 minutes.Dhamma discussion follows after meditation session.The topics of discussion are taken from the original discourses of the Buddha.


7:45am – Gathering
8:00am – Invocation
8:15am – Guided Meditation
9:00am – Dhamma Discussion
9:30am – Conclusion

Why meditate?

It is the core practice of the Buddha’s teachings. To understand Buddhism, one has to apply its theory into practice and develop experiential wisdom “Bhavanamaya Panna” which helps to witness the impermanent, unsatisfactory and insubstantial nature of life.

Meditation helps to train our mind. It transform our mind from thinking unwholesome thoughts and to cultivate wholesome thoughts such as love, kindness and empathy. If one attempts to purify one’s words and actions without purifying mind, it would not be possible because they are the manifestations of our mind.

Mindfulness practice also helps to develop focus and enables us to distinguish essential and non-essential aspect of our life.

A day of the wise person who cultivates meditation is better than a hundred years of ignorant person’s life who has not restrain one’s senses through meditation practice.


  • Lisa Vdakes
    Posted January 3, 2021 4:14 pm 0Likes

    Hi! Are you currently open for in person gatherings for your Sunday service?

    • mnbuddhist
      Posted January 5, 2021 2:00 pm 0Likes

      Thank you for your interest. Sorry we are not having in-person Sunday service due to Covid-19. You are welcome to join us online through zoom. If you are interested, please email us at
      With metta and blessings !

  • Edward J Mackiewicz
    Posted April 26, 2021 2:08 am 0Likes

    Are you currently having in-person Sunday gatherings? Would love to come join you soon.

    • mnbuddhist
      Posted June 9, 2021 1:08 am 0Likes

      Hello Edward:

      We have not started in-person Sunday service yet. Once, we allow, we will update on the website. Thanks and metta !

  • George T
    Posted November 19, 2021 7:20 am 0Likes

    Are there currently Sunday services (in-person or virtual)?

    • mnbuddhist
      Posted November 22, 2021 8:56 am 0Likes

      Sunday services are still virtual only. Please send us an email at for zoom info. Thank you and Bless you.

  • Lorenzo
    Posted December 5, 2021 5:49 am 0Likes

    Are Sunday services open? If not can I have a link for the virtual sessions please and thank you.

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